Assignment cards


Here you will find assignments related to hobbies, social relationships, influencing and participation. You get do assignments related to tutoring activities, student union activities and cultural activities, think of participation opportunities and plan, for example, events. 

The objective is to understand the importance of hobbies and leisure time for your well-being, and how to take advantage of your hobbies in promoting coping at work. Maybe you could also find a new hobby? 

Hobbies, culture and participation in different things are counterbalance to work, and they help to recover from stress and, above all, participating in them is fun!

Others and me


One of the most important human rights is the right to be yourself. Fortunately, people are diverse beings, and you never come across someone exactly like you. Sometimes we easily define people with certain words that are limited on one characteristic of the given person. However, there are many other aspects to people as well.

You should challenge your own prejudices. You would not want to be labelled based on just one characteristic either. All people have the right to be exactly who they are and who they want to be. Read the Leima (‘Stamp’, currently only available in Finnish) magazine of the Family Federation of Finland and challenge your thoughts.

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Value sections of the mind

Attitudes and values can be divided into four sections: “I value”, “I accept”, “I tolerate”, and “difficult to tolerate”. The “I value” section includes things, characteristics, and ways of working that we consider important and that we respect. The things that belong to this section guide our actions the most. The “I accept” section, on the other hand, includes things, characteristics, and ways of working that we consider to be “okay”, but which we do not value in particular. The “I tolerate” section includes things that we accept, but do not consider good. The “difficult to tolerate” section includes things that are harder for you to accept and tolerate. 

Read more about how community facilitates strength at the workplace: “Power of cooperation”.

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Being Finnish

What exactly does it mean to be Finnish? Which values and things does being Finnish involve? Are they the same as before? Reflect on these things in the following assignment. 

Explore how the community can provide strength in your work: “Power of cooperation“.

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Culture is a way of life of people of a particular society or community (Vartia et al. 2007, 178). Culture includes things that people have learned to do and value throughout history, and things in which they have learned to believe. Cultural background influences people’s values, attitudes and worldview. Cultures are also shaped by people. For example, you could consider whether the Finnish culture is different now compared to what it was 100 years ago. Understanding your own values and attitudes is the first step in understanding diversity. Sub-cultures, in turn, consist of groups of people and communities that are united by common values, interests, hobbies or music. Sub-cultures often have their own symbols that appear, for example, in clothing and interacting. 

Explore how the community can provide strength in your work: “Power of cooperation“.

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