The Vocational Professional’s Work Capacity Certificate is an indication that you can manage issues related to your work capacity and well-being at work. The Work Capacity Certificate studies demonstrate to your employer that you are interested in taking care of yourself. It strengthens your position in the labour market.
The objective of the Work Capacity Certificate is to increase your knowledge, skills and motivation to take care of your health and well-being during and after your studies. The objective is to gain an understanding that taking care of your work capacity is part of your professional skills.
These pages pragmatically explain how to take care of your work capacity. The pages can be used as assistance when completing the Vocational Professional’s Work Capacity Certificate.
Discover what to focus on in order to improve your work capacity and reduce the stress caused by work.
Discover how increasing exercise affects your well-being at work and find tips to increase exercising.
Discover things that help you develop your own resources and well-being.
Discover the impacts of the work community on your well-being, and the significance of social relationships and hobbies from the work capacity perspective.
Utilize the Vocational Professional’s Work Capacity Certificate mobile application!
The Work Capacity Certificate mobile application is a free student tool for carrying out the Work Capacity Certificate assignments. The software assignments are related to occupational work capacity capabilities, health competence, exercise, and hobbies and cooperation skills.
The assignments can be carried out, for example, in the classes of vocational studies, gym and health education. Some of the assignments are carried out at a work placement or as independent studies outside the educational institution.
How to download the mobile application?
The Work Capacity Certificate mobile application is available for download from Google Play and App Store. More detailed instructions for downloading and using the student application can be found in this link.
SAKU ry and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health have developed the mobile application in cooperation with Kisko Labs Oy and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. The mobile application is based on the study module of Vocational Professional’s Work Capacity Certificate. The project has been funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) / Northern Ostrobothnia Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment.
The teacher interface supports the mobile application. For more information on the teacher interface, see the ‘For Teachers’ section of this site.
The assignment cards found here are intended as a part of completing the Work Capacity Certificate. The assignment cards are divided into four themes in accordance with the Work Capacity Certificate: occupational work capacity capabilities, work capacity promoting exercise, health competence, and hobbies and cooperation skills, as well as strengthening the work capacity capabilities. Agree with your teacher on the completion of the assignment cards.
- The assignments are divided into themes in accordance with the Work Capacity Certificate.
- Read the instructions and related facts for the assignment, read the links mentioned in the assignment, and answer the questions at the end of the card.
- Images, files, or videos can be attached to some assignments.
- At the end of the assignment, you will be asked for the email address to which the responses to the assignment will be sent. You can enter your teacher’s email address here and send your response directly to your teacher’s email, or you can send your responses to your own email address so you can first collect a larger number of ready-made assignment cards and deliver them together to your teacher in the way you agree.
- Please note that form responses will be sent via unencrypted email. If your response contains sensitive information, you can alternatively print or copy the completed card and omit emailing altogether.
Have a pleasant journey to the world of work capacity and well-being at work!
Privacy Statement of the assignment cards of the Work Capacity Certificate website.