Orientation to work


Orientation refers to measures that help an employee…


To learn to know the workplace


To learn to know the colleagues and customers


To learn his/her tasks, to know the expectations of his/her work and his/her own responsibilities in the entire work community

The employer is responsible for the orientation of the employee. The employer must ensure that the employee receives instructions and guidance on, for example, the following things:

Work (tasks and their objectives) and working methods

Workplace working conditions

Tools used in the work and their adequate use

Work hazards and disadvantages, and safe working practices

How to react in the event of a disruption and exception

The orientation also applies to common working methods and cooperative relationships at the workplace. Orientation ensures that the employee adopts safe working practices and the common practices of the workplace. 

Orientation is an ongoing activity at the workplace. The employees must also be oriented with changing tasks and their skills must be developed. 

Employees have the right to orientation and guidance that supports working. Remember to stick to your rights by asking and obtaining information relative to your work. Also, voice your own ideas to improve occupational safety. 

A student focuses on writing on paper with a pen in hand.