OCCUPATIONAL WORK CAPACITY CAPABILITIES 1/7Here you will find assignments in which you consider and assess the factors relative to your industry that affect your work capacity. You will be able to reflect on occupational safety, work ergonomics, work planning, working environment, and, for example, the rules of working life of your own field of study.
The objective is to learn what the challenges of your work capacity are, what things affect your work capacity, how you can influence it, and what things maintain your work capacity, as well as the work capacity of your entire work community.
You can influence your work capacity with your own actions, and with good planning and assessment of work.
Improving your working position
Your task is to identify and take a photo of a good and a poor working position.
Work, tools, working environment and other operating systems are adapted with ergonomics to meet the characteristics and needs of the people. Ergonomics improves safety, health and well-being, as well as the smooth and efficient operation of systems.
Paying attention to ergonomics prevents accidents at work and harmful stress caused by work. Ergonomics is utilized in all occupational fields, but the application methods and needs vary. Each work and working environment have their own solutions for preventing over-stress and for choosing the right working methods.
Extreme positions of the joints, and lopsided and one-sided stress should be avoided when working. Manual work stresses the joints of the arms and the upper arm. In turn, sedentary work stresses the back, the neck and cervical vertebrae, and stand-up work stresses the lower limbs and the back. Prolonged – standing or sitting – working position can cause static, permanent muscle tension. In addition, the joints and intervertebral discs of the back can be unfavourably stressed. You should periodically take a work break of a few minutes and practice light exercise.
The physical stress of the work, i.e. how hard the work is for each person, is determined by the relationship between the work requirements and the person’s physical condition. Those in a good physical condition get less stressed doing the same work than those in a weaker physical condition. Physical stress can be reduced by developing work practices and methods that lighten heavy work, by ensuring the ergonomics of the workstations and tools, and by means of adequate work breaks.
Learn more about proficient working.