Assignment cards


Here you will find assignments in which you consider and assess the factors relative to your industry that affect your work capacity. You will be able to reflect on occupational safety, work ergonomics, work planning, working environment, and, for example, the rules of working life of your own field of study. 

The objective is to learn what the challenges of your work capacity are, what things affect your work capacity, how you can influence it, and what things maintain your work capacity, as well as the work capacity of your entire work community. 

You can influence your work capacity with your own actions, and with good planning and assessment of work. 

Working life skills

Changing working life

Industries and tasks change as technology and working methods develop. Opportunities in the working life have increased, but keeping up with the changes in working life requires continuous development of your skills. Jobs are lost and new ones replace them. A good example is the development of information technology. Mobile phones were like logs still in the late 1990s. Nowadays calling is no longer the main thing, but the phone is used to handle many work-related matters, such as reading emails, participating in video conferences and influencing in social media. Robots and automation also replace the input of more and more employees. 

Development and change affect all industries. Continuous learning of new skills is necessary as technology and work develops. Learning new and studying give you better capabilities for working in the future. This is called lifelong learning. It is advisable to follow the development of your industry in order to keep up with its changes. 

How does the working life in your industry change, and what does lifelong learning mean to you? Answer the questions below and send your response to your teacher’s email. 

Asennetta työhön – valmennusmenetelmä, Työterveyslaitos

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Everyone is in a hurry sometimes. You should do this and that and find time to be here and there. Fortunately, the chaos can also be controlled. Hurry can also be useful. Sometimes it is good to be in hurry and on a tight schedule with someone rushing you to get things done. 

On the other hand, sometimes it feels like nothing gets done in a hurry. There are so many things to do that you do not really know where to start. At that point, it is best to just sit down and prioritize the things on paper. You can focus on less busy tasks once the fires have been extinguished. 

Make a checklist for a week. First, record all the things you have to accomplish this week, work in progress, and what you have to remember. Then organize the tasks according to the following priorities: 

NOW: I will do it right away
SOON: I will do it as soon as I can
LATER: I will do it when I have time 

Cross over the tasks on the list as you get them done. Organizing your tasks helps you perceive your time usage. You also feel that you can better control your time when you actually see on paper which tasks you have not completed, and maybe the ones you already have completed.

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What do I value?

Values mean things that you consider important and good in your life. They can be, for example, the goals by which you make choices in your life and by which you deal with future affairs. They affect your choices on a daily basis, so it is good to stop and think about your own values every now and then.

Sometimes it is also good to think about whether your choices are based on your values and principles, or whether you sometimes act against your ideas. What do you consider important and meaningful?

Ask yourself; Why do I act in a certain way? Do I make choices based on what I value and what I consider good or have I made choices based on what others do. Take a look at the values in the Arvojen avaruus, ‘Vastness of Values’ publication of the MIELI Mental Health Finland.

Erkko & Hannukkala 2013, Mielenterveys voimaksi, MIELI Mental Health Finland

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Calling map

Sometimes it may feel like you do not really know what you want from life. It is good to stop and think about the things you really are interested in and the things you want from life. Finding an interest is not terribly difficult. All you have to do is to decide which things are important to you and consider why you are doing the things you do 

The calling map is a good way to map and record the things you like. It helps to prioritize things and at the same time outline how you can build your life into something you are happy with and enjoy. The calling map can also tell you who you really are. (EHYT publication: Ammattiosaajan hyvä elämä, ‘Good Life of a Vocational Professional’) 

Make your own calling map. 

Grab an A4 size paper. Fill it completely with the things you like to do. For example, write “reading”, “writing”, “cooking”, “driving the car”, “taking photos”, “traveling” and so on. 

  • Give each action a score from one to three.
  • The things you can do right away get the best score (3).
  • Something that requires more arrangements scores two (2). However, you will be able to do these things if you just can just get the time or money.
  • The things you would like to do, but which are not possible, score one (1). 

Now look at the actions that scored one or two. Is there something you can do to turn twos and ones into threes? Education alone is a one-way street, but you can achieve more by combining education and hobbies. 

For example: You wrote driving, writing and cooking. You are studying logistics to become a truck driver. Writing and cooking can be combined into a hobby by writing a food blog.

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